Friday, September 3, 2010

School Days

It's very weird to think that all my former colleagues (in many states) have started their school year already...without me.  I decided to take the year off.  I know it's a luxury and I'm grateful that Howard is supporting me - in more ways than one!  

There's a part of me that wants to run out and find a job NOW!  I'm a teacher.  I work.  That's what I do.  I've done it for 23 years!  I don't know anything else.  BUT, I know it sounds crazy in this economy, I'm going to force myself to NOT be employed.  This year off is dedicated to discovering my artistic self and to doing some community volunteer work.  

I better get started by unpacking all the boxes upstairs in my new craft room.  Another luxury, I know.  I'm grateful.


  1. I will come and visit you to do my crafts in your new craft room! :) Sounds fun!

  2. Now you have time to blog! Awesome! I'm glad you have a year off or two? I don't know what I would do if I suddenly didn't work. I know I could fill the time but it would be wierd not having a pay check.
    By the way, I love Hobby Lobby. We'll know where to find you if we ever get to your neck of the woods.

  3. I think this will end up being wonderfully liberating for you. I can't wait to see what you produce.

  4. Take the year off -- you so deserve it. Discover a new passion and enjoy decorating your new house!
