Monday, April 25, 2011

It's a bug, it's a bug!

All of the sudden we have gazillions of huge flying insects swarming in our lawn.  They are in everybody's lawn and there's a whirlwind of activity.  They live for a few days, a maximum of fourteen.  They mate and die.  The 'couples' are so engrossed that they crash into walls, people, and each other.  Eeeewww, just eeewww!  It's pretty disgusting.

They're called crane flies but are also known as mosquito eaters (skeeter eaters), mosquito hawks, daddy long legs, gallinippers, and my personal favorite, gollywhoppers.  I was sad to learn that they are NOT predators and, contrary to popular belief, they do NOT eat mosquitoes.  That was going to be my only reason to be able to tolerate them.

And of course, they manage to get into the house.  The other day I tried to vacuum up a big one with my dust buster.  He got stuck in some dust that was clogged in the end of the dust buster.  I could hear him buzzing around in there and he continued to move when I dumped him into the trash can.  Howard decided that he deserved to live if he could survive all of that.  He rescued him from the trash and shooed him outside.  But alas, one of his legs stayed behind in our trash.  I hope he can attract a mate now that he's blemished.  Maybe this will be the best thing that ever happened to him.  No mate, no mating, no early death.  He can have a full life - maybe all fourteen days!

This unsuspecting guy doesn't realize that 
he's about to meet my dust buster!


  1. Those things freak me out for some reason. I've got a few in my house as we speak. But . . . they are not all over the place. I feel sorry for you, that would send me over the edge. :)

    Sad you are not here to sew with!!!! We would have such a blast. You have to do a guest post ok?

    And you need to start posting pictures on my Thursday "Behold" link up. Seriously, I want to see what you've been making -- no matter what it is. I'm hoping people get on board and share. It's so motivating. And, you meet some really amazing people once it gets going. :)

    You are going to be so proud of me. I finally finished getting my house ready. It looks so nice (After 13 years, it's about time.)

  2. Ok that is just disgusting. I think the south is beautiful but I don't know if I could hack it just because of the bugs. Same goes with Hawaii. Ewwww!
