Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April Showers

Just the other day I posted about how bloomin' beautiful it is here in the spring.  But there's also an ugly side!  Make sure to read the red print.

We survived it all except for this minor casualty, which only happens to be 25-30 feet above the ground!  We're beginning to have a better understanding of the phrase money pit!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, and I thought a little snowstorm (3" yesterday am) was bad here! Batten down the hatches, get out of town and go to that quilt show in Paducah tomorrow (which, by the way, has been moved inland because of flooding potential). And if you could happen to visit the AccuQuilt Booth at say, 2:00 pm when they announce the winners of their Barn Quilt Design contest... that'd be swell. :)
