Monday, August 23, 2010


Yesterday we went to our new ward - the Old Hickory Ward in the Nashville Stake.  It only took 25 minutes to get there!  The ward members were super friendly and we even got an invitation to Sunday dinner.  Several people told us they used to live in the Bay Area or that they had grown up in the Bay Area.   One family had actually been in the same ward that we just came from and we discovered that we had mutual friends.

During Relief Society a younger woman (W) came over to sit by me.  The conversation went something like this:
W:   I served a mission in San Diego.  You look familiar to me.
Me: When were you there?
W:  1999-2000
Me: We were in 13th Ward then.
W:   Bishop Miller?
Me: Yes.  What's your maiden name?
W:   Sister So-and-so.
Me:  Did you faint once in the middle of a talk?
W:   (blushing and laughing)  Yes, that was me!

This conversation happened right before she had to teach Relief Society!  I reminded her to NOT lock her knees.  

1 comment:

  1. Fainting during a talk is one of my biggest fears. Right after... giving a talk. She sounds awesome.
