Saturday, July 20, 2013

Road Trip (Part 2 of ?)

We spent a week in Boston.  Our first day there, Monday, July 1, ended up being Brazilian day.  Our first pilgrimage was out to Framingham to eat at our favorite Brazilian restaurant, Terra Brasilis.  It's the first and only place I've ever been where they figure out the price of your meal buy weighing your full plate.  My plate always used to weigh less than Howard's.  I'm embarrassed to admit that my plate weighed the same as his this time.  I'm going with the idea that he was trying to eat less.

After lunch we had to go to A & J Seabra Supermarket, a Brazilian grocery store, to find Howard's favorite guarana soda.  Once upon a time I had no idea what the guarana fruit was so I googled it.

I can't believe that such a yummy drink is made from bulging eyeball fruit.  It's just too creepy!  We didn't find Howard's favorite guarana soda, but we did find a bunch of other Brazilian products to buy - especially in the pastry/dessert section.  Howard bought a brigadeiro.

Here's a brigadeiro tutorial I found on youtube.  Give it a try and tell me what you think!

We spent that evening visiting a family that we adore.  We got to know them when we spent our last year in Boston serving with them in the Portuguese Branch (a small geographical church unit).  Their 14-year-old daughter had just returned home from a one-week stay at the hospital after having back surgery.  Rosie, her mom, had stayed with her all week at the hospital and was exhausted.  Sergio insisted that we come over.  They were exhausted and hadn't eaten dinner yet and treated us like we were the king and queen visiting from Nashville.


  1. Thanks a lot guys and you know what? for us you are a king and a queen. We love you both so mush. It is very sad that real friends always have to go away. But the day will come when we will be able to see each other more often.
    Talitha is doing great, Daniel messing the house as always and Rose is ok; about me you know: I am doll of the house, adorable man; I am a dream coming thru on Roses life. Not every woman is lucky like Rose to married a man like me. LOL

    1. We should've taken a picture of you guys. Doh!
