Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pyros in the Hood

Last night we saw many of our neighbors setting up their lawn chairs on the sidewalk, some of them at the corner of our lot.  Howard said, "Could it be that we're so lucky to have a good view of the fireworks right from our house?"  

It turns out that we had front row seats to an amazing show put on by the neighbor across the street and four houses down.  His show went on for over an hour!  And we're not talking sparklers and other wimpy pyrotechnics.  We're talking seriously big fireworks that produce oohs and aahs and cause hearing loss.  We breathed the smoke of these fireworks and felt their shrapnel falling out of the sky.

Here's a picture of the neighbor's trash this morning.  This pile was about four to five feet high, six to seven feet wide, and three feet deep.

I couldn't find his exact fireworks, but to get an idea of what he might have spent on these go here.  It was crazy!


  1. holy smokes! now that is a fireworks show. honestly, it sounds like it was miles above and beyond the mtn. view show. i am not kidding, our city fireworks show lasted 8 minutes...and then we sat in traffic for an entire hour trying to get home (3 miles away). it gave us a good chance to think about our freedoms ;)
    glad you had some of the best seats in the house!

  2. My favorite is the box that says DOOMED on it.
