Sunday, May 8, 2011

Long-haul Driver

For the first time in decades I live close enough to my sister to drive over for a visit.  It took me 8.5 hours to drive this route:

I decided to drive instead of fly because:
  • I wanted to have an "I am woman, hear me roar" experience (i.e.,  take a road trip by myself).
  • It would have taken the same amount of time or maybe even longer to get from my door to hers if I had flown.
  • It was cheaper to buy gas than a plane ticket.  (I like to stay in denial about the wear and tear that it puts on the car!)
  • I wanted to see new scenery - got to see the Great Smoky Mountains for the first time.
  • I can return to Nashville whenever I want, working around tornadoes and other little things like that.

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