Friday, May 3, 2013

Howard and Eunice vs. The Rock

The Rock won.

The plan was for Howard to help me dig out some grass for a flower bed.  About ten minutes into it, Howard glanced over at the mysterious 'lawn rock' that we've been eying with disdain for almost three years now.  He said, "I wonder if I could dig out THAT rock."  And off he went.

I like a good challenge, so I followed him.  We dug and pried with the shovel that dad bequeathed to us.  It creaked and moaned and threatened to snap in two.  I kept warning Howard that he better not break that shovel that has probably been in the family for six decades.  We continued to pull and push and tug and grunt and grimace and kick and hurt ourselves, but that rock did not budge.  Not even one millimeter.

When you work in your yard around here, your life is an open book.  Sometimes that can be a good thing.  Charles (our across-the-street neighbor) walked over and said, "Whatcha y'all doin'?"  I said something like, "We're supposed to be digging out a flower bed, but this rock distracted us."  Charles says, "I have some tools that might help out."  He came back a few minutes later with a big heavy iron rod and two picks.  I could barely pick up the iron rod so Howard took over.

Here we see that after almost two hours the battle is over and the exhausted opponents are strewn about the lawn.

This is an after picture but really could have been the before picture too, because grass does not grow well around this rock.  See how it just lies there, laughing at us.

We are planning our revenge.  We have been working out - on smaller rocks in the flower bed.  With Charles' pick and iron rod and our new leverage technology (devised by Howard the physicist), we will be victorious!

1 comment:

  1. I do think I see a slight smirk on that rock's face. ;)
