Sunday, September 2, 2012


What is it about poultry that makes me giddy?  Maybe it's because my brother, sister and I each had a rooster when we were kids.  Anyway, I was delighted to discover that the Wilson County Fair had a whole exhibit dedicated to poultry.  Okay, there were some rabbits in there too, but I hardly noticed them.

Is that his brain above his beak?  I'm surprised he can hold his head up!  It's pretty obvious that this guy was the inspiration for the Klingon costume in the Star Trek series.

What in the heck is this plumed mess?  This guy just looked like a big ball of fur.  It was hard to find his head.

Here's the 'John Travolta' of the poultry exhibit, sporting his retro 70s bell bottoms.  How do these guys walk without tripping over themselves?

Here's another one of those faceless guys, just a white fluffy blob.  But, he had an intriguing shimmery blue spot on each side of his head.  According to the diagram below, those might be his ear lobes.  This guy and the one above him are Silkies.  This site mentions that the feathers of Silkies don't have quills or barbs.  You can see that they look like they have fur rather than feathers, and apparently they feel like a Persian cat!

Below is a surprisingly colorful bird.  Oh, sorry.  That's Phyllis Diller.  She was one extravagant and funny lady.  We'll miss her.  I have to say, though, that she came to mind while walking through this exhibit.

See, what did I tell you?  Phyllis Diller, right?  I'm pretty sure that her hairdo inspiration came from the likes of these two.

And last but not least, we have a peacock - the winner of the decorated round bale hay competition.  Most of you probably don't know that I'm trilingual - fluent in English, Spanish, and Peacock.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, this post made me chuckle. You are so clever & witty, I sure miss seeing you on Sundays.
