Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mysteries of the Del

Howard and I spent a lot of time on Coronado when we were dating.  We used to walk from his apartment to the Hotel del Coronado (the Del) all the time.

Howard took this picture of the Del.  Isn't it beautiful?

When we go back to visit the Del, we feel like we own the place as we walk through its familiar halls, grand rooms, and quaint shops.  Some things have stayed the same, like the old and still operating cage elevator.

The old cage elevator

Some things have changed.  We can remember when there were tennis courts between the beach and the hotel rather than the $1000/night beachfront condos and villas that are there now.

A long time ago we learned about Kate Morgan, a young woman who mysteriously died in 1892 somewhere in the vicinity of those current-day fancy schmancy condos and villas.  Her death is registered as a suicide but some people believe that she was murdered by her husband.  It's rumored that she continues to roam the halls of the hotel today, waiting for either her husband or for the truth to be known.  This book tells the story if you want to find out more. 

Many guests and employees have witnessed ghostly happenings at the hotel.  Toilets flush on their own, lights flicker and turn off and on, things fly off the shelves, curtains billow when the windows are closed, etc.  You can hear it for yourself.  Just watch the clip.

Howard and I once stayed in the room next to the famed room 3327, although Howard says it's really room 3312.  I'm pretty sure Kate came to visit us that night.  During the night I felt the air circulating abnormally and I felt a presence hovering over me.  I'm pretty sure I wasn't dreaming and surprisingly, I wasn't scared.

Here's another 'mystery' about the Del, not as eery as the Kate Morgan story.  There are these funky sand dunes on the beach near the Del and they have ice plant growing on the top of them.  The beach there is so flat and extensive that they seem out of place.  What's up with that? 

Well, we know something that you might not know.  Here's a bird's eye view of those sand dunes.  Cool, right?

Compliments of Google Earth


  1. Wow, do those sand dunes really say Coronado from bird's eye view? That's pretty clever. And I love parents love it, too. They met in SD, so it holds a special little place in the old heart for our family :)

  2. Yup, they really do spell Coronado. Once you know the secret you can make out the letters at eye level.

  3. That is way cool! I never knew you stayed near the ghost room! I want to do that with my kids! And even better is the ice plant! How did you find out about that?? Ho's life friend?

  4. That ice plant was always so signature Hotel Del. I kind of thought it had something to do with protection from high tide, but what do I know? That it spells out Coronado is really cool!
