Monday, December 27, 2010

White Christmas

Here's a bit of Nashville snow trivia that I lifted from this site:
First White Christmas Since 1993

We have already seen a snow fall this winter cause problems on the roadways, but this is only the ninth Christmas with measurable amounts of snow since snowfall record-keeping began in Nashville back in the winter of 1884 and 1885. The last time measurable snow fell on Christmas Day in Nashville was in 1993 when three-tenths of an inch was measured.

Trace amounts of snow fell on Christmas in 2002. Statistically there is only a 7 percent chance of measurable snow on any given Christmas in Nashville. The most snow ever to fall on Christmas in Nashville is 2.7 inches in 1969.
Our friends in Boston and Wisconsin are probably laughing at this, but snow on the ground here is a serious problem.  I ventured out on a recent school snow day and saw lots of cars in ditches.  There are lots of narrow windy country roads with no shoulders and big ditches, so it's kind of scary to drive on them even if it's just raining.  Yesterday they canceled church and we got to stay home and play with all our Christmas presents!


  1. Finally the house you always wanted! Love it Kathy! Wish I could take a tour. More pictures please.

  2. I LOVE your house!!! It's beautiful!!!!
